Thursday, January 9, 2014

On New Year's Resolutions

Hey, I wrote a guest post! Go check me out over on, and be sure to read some of the other posts as well. It's a fun group of bloggers over there!

Are you back? Did you read the post? Awesome, now we can talk about it! So how are my goals going? Well...

Even the most valiant efforts to go to the gym can be foiled by a burst water pipe in said gym. Do you know what is super fun? Waking up early to go to the gym, walking outside (in the polar vortex!) to get to the gym, and arriving only to find the doors locked, condensation all over the windows, and a team of maintenance workers wielding wet vacs like they were Proton Packs and the floor was an especially recalcitrant ghost. Thrilling! Regardless, I soldiered on. I decided that instead of the gym, I would work out at home, doing a bodyweight routine. Sometimes I make stupid decisions. My muscles still hurt. But hey, at least I have muscles!

How about cooking? Actually, I've done ok. The holidays aren't the best time to start trying to cook regularly, what with all the gatherings and the friends in town and the whatnot. But I've done alright. Make a few awesome slow cooker dishes, got to use my shiny new stand mixer, actually had leftovers for lunch this week... Success! Now I just need to maintain that for the rest of my life. Not daunting at all!

As for the reusable bags, I have also been doing well. A bunch now live in my car, so I have no excuses when I drive to the grocery store. I still need to locate the packable bag that is supposed to live in my purse. And I need to remember to take the reusable bags back to the car... Still. So far, so good.

One goal that I didn't mention over at Sister Eden was my desire to write more. I neglect this blog terribly, and so I'd like to change that. We'll see how that goes.

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